Commercial Paving Services
Enterprise is the premier provider of asphalt paving and asphalt repair services on Long Island. The company’s goal is to provide the very best installation or repair for your asphalt pavement. Our quality control standards are high, and our skilled asphalt technicians are among the best in the business. We offer, faster service, better quality, with affordable prices on commercial, industrial and institutional asphalt repair and new installations. Here is a short list of our asphalt paving services.
New Asphalt Construction Services
New Asphalt Installation
- Your new safe and inviting asphalt pavement will be the welcoming mat for your property. Building a new parking lot is easy with Enterprise Asphalt Paving, Inc.learn more about our process>>
- Extending your existing parking area is affordable with Enterprise Asphalt Paving, Inc. Create more space for vehicles and traffic. Expand for your customer, client, employee, or loading area needs.
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Overlay * Repave * Resurface
- You can save on excavation costs if your parking lot sub-structure is sound. Install an asphalt overlay on top of your existing parking lot for a brand new surface.
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New Pavement Marking and Striping
- New parking lots are striped to all applicable codes including the American Disability Act (ADA) code, as necessary.
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Asphalt Repair Services
Hot Patching & Pothole Repair
- Let us fix your potholes, low areas, and trenches. Our repair crews are available with heated equipment year round to service your parking area needs. You can take advantage of the lower costs by becoming part of our extensive customer network.
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Rubberized Crack Filling
- Water damage from unfilled cracks is the most common cause of pavement deterioration. Repair the cracks in your parking lot to avoid costly future damage.
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Utility Site Work – Trench Repair
- Enterprise Asphalt Paving, Inc. is in the trenches. Utility and environmental companies are our friends. We are available to provide expedited hot repair services for trenches dug by electrical, plumbing, sprinkler, and pipe contractors.
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Repair Cover & Collar of Drain or Manhole
- “Safety Safety Safety”
- Re-set drain or manhole cover and collars to proper heights. Avoid tripping hazards from uneven pavement or sinkholes. Repair asphalt damage from snowplows.
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Asphalt Maintenance Services
- A seal coat is a great way to protect and beautify your newly installed surface and make an old surface look better. Turning your pavement black with brand new striping will become your welcome mat.
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Re-striping and Marking
- Freshly sealcoated parking lots are striped to all applicable codes including the American Disability Act (ADA) code, as necessary.
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