Hot Asphalt Patching & Pothole Repair
We repair the damaged asphalt pavement by hot patching the potholes and replacing the failed asphalt sections with hot asphalt.
Hot Asphalt Repair Vehicle
Our proprietary hot asphalt repair vehicle provides faster, safer, cleaner, and more efficient hot asphalt repairs.
Step 1: Excavation
The first stage in the process is to saw cut out damaged areas.
Step 2: Asphalt Installation
Then those areas are replaced with full depth Hot Asphalt Material to Specification at 300°F.
Step 3: Asphalt Compaction
We then compact the hot asphalt with a vibratory power roller.
Step 4: Join old and new pavement
Pouring hot liquid Asphalt Concrete (A.C.) “Tar” around the repair will glue the old and new asphalts together.
Step 5: Completed Hot Asphalt Repair
The area is now safe for foot and vehicle traffic.